- ” Philosophy created by Southwest Airlines® in which Customers are treated honestly and fairly, and low fares actually stay low – no unexpected bag fees, change fees, or hidden fees. Created and practiced exclusively by Southwest Airlines.
Low fares. Nothing to hide.”
A lot to like in this. Nope, a lot to love in this. Value and pricing transaction experience are central to Southwest’s value prop which also stakes out a pricing leadership position as the “pricing good guy” in the US airline industry. Not hard arguably but someone had to do it. The value prop is clearly translated into the marcom message. And while a whole lot of teenage scribblers get excited over the antics of Ryan Air and other startups – yes Julie, I know you flew to Pisa for £5 from a cabbage field in Essex but this will end in tears, your children in Salonika and your baggage in Vilnius – Southwest have just kept it nice and simple and honest.
Can your business say the same? And if you’re not the pricing good guy in your industry, where on the “pricing good guy/bad guy spectrum” are you?