Paul’s Pricing Dictionary: Folgers Coffee

P 75x75Folgers Coffee, n. apocryphal, euphemism.

“You don’t want to end up like a Product Manager at Folgers Coffee”. As a way of encouraging and warning Product Managers that their role in not only in resisting commoditization – but also not being enablers of it – was vital, I would often relay what I presumed had happened at Folgers with Product Managers there stumbling around the office and mumbling into their coffee:

“Well, it’s just a commodity” while overlooking a thriving Starbucks …. Well here’s a view of Folgers HQ and the Starbucks across the street that they may well have looked over … and over-looked:


View of the Starbucks opposite Folgers Coffee’s old HQ in San Francisco.

Part 1 of a series of escalations about commodities.




Paul’s Pricing Dictionary: Commodity

P 75x75Commodity, n. An undifferentiated product or service which enhances neither customer choice nor business nor investor returns. Often used in the context of an excuse “it’s only a commodity” by those who have either not tried, given up or are lacking in  imagination.

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